Spiders are beneficial to your home and environment. Some species also prefer feasting on bird excreta, mould, bugs, dead insects and other spiders. However, having them around you in your home is equally creepy. Some species are also known to cause skin rashes, ulcerations and infections. Nonetheless, you need to resist your urge to just crush one whenever you spot one of them in your house. Also do not use chemicals to get rid of them. There are plenty of natural ways to get rid of these pesky insects. Read ahead to know about some natural and effective ways to get rid of spiders from your house:

  • Keep the grass pruned

Do not let the lawn accumulate strewn leaves, piles of grass trimmings and the like. Ensure the grass and shrubs are pruned and kept to the minimal. Do not provide spiders a den to breed and survive in. Spiders and other bugs would not enter your home if you keep their entry points sealed.

  • Use vinegar

Keep vinegar sprays handy as they can be used as natural pest repellents including for spiders. While it is innocuous for humans, its acidic content gives it a tart taste and smell which can be repellent for spiders. Spray this solution everywhere in your home, placing special attention on the ceilings, kitchen walls, doors and windows where spiders can enter from. You can spray it even in the bathroom which will also act as a cleaning agent and also help keep spiders at bay.

  • Keeping your surroundings clean 

Spiders prefer breeding in dirty and dust-filled areas to make their nests and cobwebs in. maintaining cleanliness and hygiene in your home will keep spiders away and make your home appear less enticing to these species. Routine, cleaning, dusting and vacuuming will prevent spiders and any other insects from making your house their permanent residence.

  • Clean up your basement and storages

Your basements and storages are the best hideouts for spiders in your house. They prefer staying in dusty, cool and dark places such as these where they can hide without difficulty from their predators.

Spiders also love storage areas since they offer them an endless stock of food. These species would not be easily found in the living spaces that are frequented by people. But they easily survive in less noisy and darker environments that are free of din and movement. Moisture-prone backgrounds, drains, heating systems, drainages also are appealing for these insects.

  • Spider repellents

You can get spider repellent sprays and gels that also can be helpful in keeping spiders away. The scent in them helps keep these insects away. Opting for professional spider control service Perth is also highly beneficial. Since spiders are nocturnal creatures, it is difficult to spot them in the day. Professional pest controllers can easily locate them and their hideouts and help eliminate them permanently from your residence.

  • Using essential oils

Essential oils are effective not just for your skin and beauty, but also to keep these pesky critters away from your house. Essential oils such as eucalyptus, rosemary, citronella, peppermint etc. Mix any of these in water in a spray bottle and begin spraying this mixture on ceilings, roofs, basement walls, storages, pantries and all other places frequented by spiders. Their smell repels spiders and vanishes them from your spaces.

  • Artificial noise

Spiders prefer peaceful and dark surroundings. Loud music or artificial buzzing noise from machines can keep spiders away from your house. Loud sounds and music booming throughout your house will help keep these pesky pests away from your property very easily.

The most effective way to keep spiders away is by keeping your premises clean and tidy. At the end of the day, it is better to contact a professional spider pest control expert if you find a spider problem in your house or commercial property. Taking professional assistance is always the best way out. Professional treatments are effective but also help in recognizing the root cause and the factors that are attracting them. Professional experts also can help in the identification of the spider species.

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