People from around the world come to Australia to get a glimpse of its natural vegetation, flora and fauna. There is no dearth of unique natural habitats within Australia. We have managed to keep the balance of nature and development to the point where humans just live with this vegetation.
It is truly a symbiotic relationship. However, this symbiotic relationship also enters many problems that can be a pesky situation for you to deal with. It is not always possible to protect your home from the different pests that are constantly lurking around. Even if it is just mosquitoes, we cannot just let the problem grow within the house.
Spiders, wasps and many such other insects can turn into a pest issue very quickly, if not taken care of immediately. It is not possible to deal with wasp nest removal on your own all the time. There is a lot that can go wrong. The aim is to get rid of the pests without damaging the environment, your home or the people around the wasp nest. You will thus need professional wasp control services to manage these annoying pests.
What Are Wasps And Why Have They Become Such A Problem For Homeowners?
Wasps look like bees but are a different species entirely. Just like bees, they are very important to maintain the natural balance of our environment. However, having a wasp nest in or around your home can be dangerous as wasps attack in a huge groups. There are many wasp species that can be fatal if they bite you. There are many people who are deathly allergic to wasps as well. Therefore, it is important to hire a wasp control service to get rid of the wasps in the right manner.
Wasps are a problem for home owners in Australia because they are territorial and aggressive. This is what makes them a lot more dangerous than bees. Stinging wasps also spray their targets with pheromones that alerts the rest of the hive to know where to attack. Since they are a revengeful species, they will attack. They are a hazard for everyone living near a wasp nest.
What Do Wasps Look Like And How Can You Identify Them?
Most wasps are carnivorous. There are minor differences in the way they look. However, this is not a chance that you can take. If you see wasps around your home, you need to book a wasp control appointment as soon as possible.
Here are the main features of wasps in Australia:
- Most native species of wasps in Australia are solitary, with only a few who colonize.
- They can be helpful as a natural tool against crop pests. However, adult wasps also feed on nectar and pollen of the crops as well
- Some wasps have their ovipositors (egg- laying ducts) turn into stingers at a later stage.
- Most Australian wasps are solitary and do not nest and colonize.
- The female wasp will abandon the nest after laying her eggs successfully.
There are many different kinds of wasp species. They all come with their own set of features and characteristics. The three main types of wasps found in Australia can be categorized as Solitary, Semi- Solitary and European wasps.
- Solitary Wasps: Most Australian wasps are solitary. The female wasps build their nest, lay the eggs and abandon it thereafter.
- Semi-Solitary: Here, some wasp species work together to ensure that they do not become extinct once the female wasp has abandoned the wasp nest.
- European Wasps: These are the most common wasp species in the world. They are not native to Australia. It is because of their rapid reproduction that it has become a pest issue in Australia.
Tips To Prevent Wasp Infestation:
- Close any food outlets: Ensure that your recycling bins in the neighborhood are properly sealed at all times. Wasps are attracted to open sources of food. And who doesn’t love a good barbeque? Ensure that all the bits and scraps of food are properly cleaned off the grills and ovens. Most wasp species in Australia are carnivorous in nature. So, you need to seal up entry points and eliminate food sources.
- Trim overgrown shrubs around: Wasps also need a convenient place that is large enough to grow. Unfortunately, it is not just trees or bushes that they hang on to. If there is adequate protection of overgrown bushes or trees, it is an ideal spot for the nests to grow.
When Should You Call For Professional Wasp Control?
- Location: If the wasp nest is dangerously close to your home or the place you work in, it is important to contact professional wasp control as soon as possible. You do not want to let the wasp nest grow too large or to an uncontrollable size. If the nest is too big, it will simply break off from the weight, allowing the wasps to escape.
- Damaged Wood Products: If you have an open deck or shed in the backyard and there is visible damage to it, it is possible that wasps are using them to build their nests. This is another clear indication that a wasp nest is around you. Even a termite infestation to wood can expose the wood, which wasps can attack on as well.
What Are The Ways To Get Rid Of Wasps?
- Chemical treatment: Wasp control methods are used to ensure that the wasp nest is safely removed from the area. This is also to ensure that they do not attack anyone around when the nest is being removed. This is why you need to find a local wasp service that will reach your area as soon as possible.
- Natural treatment: There are many natural treatments that you can follow on your own or even ask professionals to implement for you. If you add two cups of apple cider vinegar, two cups of water with one cup of water, it acts as a wasp repellent. Vinegar is a great irritant to wasps. Therefore, you can remove them without causing any harm or negative effects.
How Can You Safely Remove A Wasp Nest?
Step 1: You can only remove the wasp nest once you have applied a chemical or natural wasp pest repellent to it. It is dangerous to approach the nest without and they will attack you.
Step 2: Approach the wasp nest in the evening when the chemical or natural treatment has had time to kill all the wasps inside.
Step 3: Wear fully covered clothes to ensure you can prevent excessive damage from any attacks, if any at all.
Step 4: Gently move the nest into a large garbage bag (big enough to hold the nest).
Step 5: Seal the bag up tightly and dispose of it.
What Are The Risks And Safety Precautions Of Removing A Wasp Nest?
- Fully cover yourself: This is a primary safety precaution that you have to take before you step out to remove the wasp nest. You also need something to cover your face and a cap for your head as well. Cover as much skin as you possibly can.
- Tuck your clothes in: Your clothes cannot be loose fitting or open. Tuck your pants into your socks and shirt sleeves into your gloves. There should be a bandana around the neck as well.
- Do not set the wasp net on fire: Not only is it a fire hazard but this will anger the wasp mob. While you may destroy the nest, the swarm will be unharmed. It will kill some of the wasps but it is not going to eradicate the nest. More importantly, you are attacking their territory and they will mark you as their target.
Wasps can build their nest anywhere they feel safe and have the space to do so. One cannot predict where they may build their nest either. It is important to remain vigilant and look out for any signs for a wasp nest around your home or office.
It is a hazard for anyone who lives around it, you may never know what will anger the wasps. It is also not possible for everyone to know what wasp species are known to attack people or not. This is why it is best to remain vigilant and take precautionary steps wherever possible.
If you are not sure of what you need to do in case you do spot a wasp nest, it is best to find and hire a local wasp control service to take care of the situation. Amaze Pest Control Perth can help you get rid of wasps at affordable rates. Get in touch with our experts right away!
Reviewed by: John Smith, Ph.D., MSc
John Smith is a renowned expert in the pest control industry, with over 20 years of experience in the field. He is a licensed pest control professional, and has worked for both commercial and residential clients throughout his career.Throughout his career, John has developed innovative and effective pest control strategies, and has helped countless clients rid their homes and businesses of unwanted pests. He takes pride in his work and is dedicated to providing the highest level of service to his clients as well as providing technical assistance to branch offices and clients throughout Australia.In addition to his professional work, John is an active member of several pest control industry organizations, and regularly contributes to industry publications. He also prepares scientific reports for Ace Pest Control on any changes or updates to government regulations affecting the Pest Control industry.